Monday 25 July 2016

Perspective Through My Lens

Man, the animal with the higher intellectual than rest of the others.Gifted with the ability to express, expertise and most of all to think and with the capability of thinking there is comes perspective ; a perspective of their own. A perspective which is responsible for making  the difference, responsible for making me different from you.After all the human species are made up of 206 bones, 2 eyes, 1 nose , 2 ears and red blood.

What is perspective?

Definition : a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something. In an understandable language, it can be defined as a "point of view" your or mine for any possible dimension.
Everyone has their own perspective,either a newly born baby or an old one we all explore the Universe through our own different lens.
We all respond to our surrounding by our measure of understanding and that understanding start building from the moment we take a birth.Everything that has had happened and will happen is because of matter of one's perspective. And then there's comes perspective of others.

Yin Yang


Others perspective

We are sharing the planet earth  with the 7.4 Billion people , where each and every has their own viewpoint.And with others perspective, there is come perspective of ones to satisfy perspective of others.Think about it, Is there any possibility for a person can satisfy even 0.5% of the current population.
And the question is,Is it even necessary to live upon others perspective ?
The answer is NO,no we can't satisfy the 7.4 Billion people of the earth, and it's not necessary either.

However, what you think about yourself does matter and that's most important of all "You are a man of your own perspective" Surround yourself with the positive perspective you'll become the man full of optimism and the negative perspective will turn you into the lake of sorrows and melancholy. 
Your perspective is a reflection of your surrounding.

I take a leave with the Bhagavad Gita quote:
Sreyan svadharmo vigunah paradharmat svanusthitat; Svadharme nidhanam sreyah paradharmo bhayavahah.


It ir own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.s better to live you.


  1. Yes everyone has their own prespective, but there are times when you need to see the whole picture. And I agree you don't have to live prespective of 7.8 billion people.
    Well enjoy your prespective towords people in your life. Happy Monday!��
